Life started feeling routine in Panama, and then I came to the city again......
Many mornings, I wake up here in Panama frigid cold. No, it really is not that cold, but it is verano here, which is the dry season. In essence, for those accustomed to Panamanian weather, it is cold at night and dry, windy, sunny, and hot during the day. Then, I jump in an even more frigid shower because the water from the aqueduct system still has the air of the night in it. Next, I eat breakfast, which can be fried hot dogs, hojaldras, rice, boiled yucca, or chicken feet (which I went for seconds for the last time it was fixed). Then, I seem to have something going most days, whether attending business meetings, work days in the farm, or celebrating a holiday with the community. Some days, it starts off slow because I have nothing scheduled, but it usually picks up with me wondering around talking with people (pasear), which is a great past time no longer done in the U.S. Then, in the evening, some days I walk the road in the dark with other members of the community or go to a late night meeting, which has a set time of after mass, or spend time talking with my host family or I just go lie in bed and read until I get tired. During the night, I listen to the radio of my host brothers, as it is loud enough for the neighbors to listen as well, and try to listen to the newest or oldest U.S. top hit songs hidden behind the Spanish dubbed over them.
I have a few meetings lined up at the start of the new year, and I have been purchasing supplies and crafting letters for my first in January, where I plan to faciliate a BOCA (PC acronym for Business and Organizational Capacity Assessment). Also, I have made commitments to attend the holidays with the community. I have also made the decision on where to build my house, and I feel like it is a good decision. It has a little bit of a view, is further from the center of town than I would have liked, but will benefit more people after I leave than other options. Everything was calm until I came to town.....
An email from my boss that is for the APCD visit. Crap! I forgot! I still have a boss. I am supposed to organize a community meeting during the visit of my APCD. Everything felt normal, and now I have this meeting. I am not doing anything wrong, and I even think I am doing most things well. But, a community meeting with my boss present! Yes, even as a volunteer, I still have a boss. I have to decide who I am going to have as my community guide for my boss to meet (because in my community, there are many people who will be similar to a community guide for me), organize an event.....
Another challenge ahead, and another solution I will find.
Every day, I learn something new about my community. I learn of a different NGO that has been working in the community (today, World Brigade is in my community, and the community members are super excited to have them. Plus, I think that all the work they do only supports the work that I will do for the next 2 years), and I learn of past projects that are no longer functioning (a small hydro-electric plant used to be in my community?). Every day is an experience. Every day is a challenge. Every day is full of rewarding moments. Every day I want something that I do not have (usually in terms of food, family, or friends).
A few days, I get to come to town and update my blog. Very few days. I have been out of site only 3 days since the start of November, and I only spent the day out of site. Since I had so many other activities lined up, I was unable to update my blog, so I apologize for a delayed post. However, I have friends and family in the states that are helping keep friends and other family informed. Thank You!
As for next week, Merry Christmas to all!