Thursday, October 28, 2010


So, I currently sit in an air conditioned room, on an ex-military base now filled with ex-pats, and I type on my laptop while using wireless internet. All of this after eating a wonderful Italian dinner with other great Peace Corps Volunteers. My first few hours of being a volunteer.....
Swear-In ceremony was a great experience, and it was again inspirational. The ceremony was held at the Ambassador of the United States' house, and the President of Panama Ricardo Martinelli was present. I come to realize the President Martinelli is a very personable guy, probably because he got a college degree from Arkansas. Overall, it was a wonderful ceremony.
In addition to swearing-in, I also received the official results of my language proficiency exam Wednesday, and I am proficient enough to swear in unconditionally. Also, I have spoke with family and friends the past few days, and I want to again thank everyone for the support from home. These words of encouragement help to push me through the challenges I face each day.
My first few hours of being a volunteer are not what I am expecting for the next two years. In fact, after a two day stint at the beach to celebrate, I will be in my site for the next three/four weeks without leaving for anything. All the way until Thanksgiving! One month without internet, TV, electricity, or English .... it's going to be an experience of a lifetime!
Anyways, I just wanted to update everyone and let them know I am alive. In addition, I am now a Peace Corps Volunteer officially! YAY!!!!!


  1. Well done. Keep up the good work, Kevin. I think someone in my house mentions your name at least once a week. Your legend is growing.

  2. We are all so proud of you back home!

  3. Just an interesting tidbit: Eric went to the Razorback game on Oct 30 in Fayetteville & they announced that the Panamanian president was there. I thought that was kinda neat because I knew that you had recently met him all the way down there, and he was in the same city as we were not long after.
    Anyway, may your adventure continue to inspire & amaze you, and us as well, through your blogs. Everyone here sends their thoughts & prayers.

  4. Congrats on passing your language proficiency test & being sworn in by the way!!!! So proud of ya!!

  5. Congrats! Glad to hear you got some beach time. I always remember Panama's beaches as being among the best. Might have been a kid thing though.

  6. I have to post this quick comment before I leave the internet cafe.
    Jennifer - I talked to him the day before he flew to Arkansas. He told me he was going to open the bottle of champagne for the homecoming game. I was pretty envious at that moment!

  7. Kevin!!! I hope you are doing wonderfully down south. I saw Nancy today - she's helping me with more business-y stuff. I was asking about you and she gave me this site.

    If you can do for the folks in Panama what you did for me and Natural Awakenings, then you will have given uncountable opportunities to uncountable numbers of people. This month's issue is at if you would like to do a bit of reading in ingles.

    Hasta pronto!!!
