Over the past few weeks, I have messaged a RPCV on Facebook that I found who went to Panama and was a CED consultant. I am hoping to gain some insight before I leave.
I have ordered a backpack for my travels, and I think it will serve me well. It is a Kelty Red Cloud 6650. I bought it from REI, and I am thinking that this may be a great source for additional supplies.
Yesterday, I attended a Peace Corp Volunteer potluck, and it was definitely worth it. All of the PCVs that showed up, and there were close to 50 it seems, were very friendly and supportive. Also, the food was good. While talking to the RPCVs, I realized that every Peace Corp volunteer's experience is completely different. It was very interesting listening to their stories though.
Also, I am attempting to get a listserv/Facebook group started. I heard from the RPCVs that they were able to gain insight and tips/tricks from other people departing, and they used it as a bouncing board for ideas. If you know of anyone that is going to Panama in August, please tell them to contact me.
Finally, I have began my countdown at work and countdown for departure. I have a calendar posted in my office, and I am marking each day. I have also began with cleaning my office, although this is quite a hurdle. I might just possibly leave the mess to the next occupant! Haha!
Oh.....I almost forgot the best part. I also went on a 'Photo Extravaganza' with my BFF! We traveled around taking photos, and it was a blast! I also completed my checklist from last time (officially accepted, mailed passport information, provided an updated resume and aspiration statement, etc.) Here are some photos from the trip (I'm using this to get used to uploading photos as well because I definitely will be uploading photos):

Hey Kevin! was reading thru blogs..just wanted to say hey...I'm Whitney, i'm from NC and I'm leaving for staging for Panama August 17th as well..Ill be in environmental health. Good luck with ur preparations!